Joint topic + labeling model

Another example with 20 news dataset. This involves building a model using the labels as prediction targets.

from tmnt.estimator import BowEstimator
import numpy as np
import os
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_20newsgroups
from tmnt.preprocess.vectorizer import TMNTVectorizer
from tmnt.inference import BowVAEInferencer
from tmnt.distribution import LogisticGaussianDistribution
from sklearn.linear_model import SGDClassifier
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score

Get the 20news data using pre-partitioned training/test splits

train_data = fetch_20newsgroups(subset='train', shuffle=True, random_state=1)
test_data  = fetch_20newsgroups(subset='test', shuffle=True, random_state=1)

In setting up the vectorizer, this time we’ll use a somewhat larger vocabulary size which may be more appropriate if we’re interested in classifier labeling accuracy.

cv_params = dict(max_df=0.8)
tf_vectorizer = TMNTVectorizer(vocab_size=10000, count_vectorizer_kwargs=cv_params)
X_train, _ = tf_vectorizer.fit_transform(
X_test, _  = tf_vectorizer.transform(
y_train, y_test =,

print("y_test = {}".format(y_test[:10]))

Note that when processing a JSON list formatted dataset, one typically computes the label map from whatever field denotes each documents label Here, in the case of the 20 Newsgroup dataset, the label map has already been calculated. We create the label map and explicitly attach to the vectorizer so the mapping between label indices and label names (strings) is preserved.

tf_vectorizer.label_map = dict([ (train_data.target_names[i], i) for i in range(len(train_data.target_names)) ])

First, let’s train a baseline comparison logistic regression model using sklearn’s SGDClassifier using the document-term matrices.

sgd_params = dict(alpha=1e-5, penalty='l2', loss='log_loss')
sgd_clf = SGDClassifier(**sgd_params), y_train)
sgd_y_pred = sgd_clf.predict(X_test)
print("SGD accuracy score = {}".format(accuracy_score(y_test, sgd_y_pred)))

For labeled/supervised topic models, the gamma (hyper-)parameter is crucial. It provides a weight that is applied to the classification loss to increase/decrease it’s influence in the total loss. In situations where classification is paramount, it’s usually a good idea to set gamma to a high value such as 100, 1000 or even 1e7. Extremely high values, however, will often result in a very poor quality topic model.

For this example, let’s set gamma = 100.0. This should favor the classification loss (versus the elbo “topic loss”)

gamma = 100.0

Let’s also use a larger latent space - size 40

latent_distribution = LogisticGaussianDistribution(100,40,dr=0.2,alpha=1.0)

num_label_values = int(np.max(y_train)) + 1

Setting up the estimator now, we include some adjustments to default parameters to reduce potential for overfitting the classifier

l_estimator = BowEstimator(vocabulary = tf_vectorizer.get_vocab(),
                           latent_distribution = latent_distribution,
                           lr=0.001, enc_hidden_dim=100,
                           epochs=12, batch_size=200)

Fit the model

_ =, y_train)

Perform validation/evaluation on the test split to assess performance

v_results = l_estimator.validate(X_train, y_train)
print("Training results acc = {}, ppl = {}, npmi = {}"
      .format(v_results['accuracy'], v_results['ppl'], v_results['npmi']))
v_results = l_estimator.validate(X_test, y_test)
print("Validation results acc = {}, ppl = {}, npmi = {}"
      .format(v_results['accuracy'], v_results['ppl'], v_results['npmi']))

Train a semi-supervised model using just the first 500 training points as labeled data and using the UNLABELED test data (transducive learning).

l_estimator_semi_supervised = BowEstimator(vocabulary = tf_vectorizer.get_vocab(),
                                           latent_distribution = latent_distribution,
                                           lr=0.005, enc_hidden_dim=100,
                                           epochs=24, batch_size=200)
_ = l_estimator_semi_supervised.fit_with_validation(X_train[:500], y_train[:500], None, None, X_test)
v_results_ss = l_estimator_semi_supervised.validate(X_test, y_test)
print("Validation results with semi-supervised learning. acc = {}, ppl = {}, npmi = {}"
      .format(v_results_ss['accuracy'], v_results_ss['ppl'], v_results_ss['npmi']))

We can create an inference object used to encode new data points. For convenience, the inferencer keeps the vectorizer used to process text strings and convert to term frequency vectors. This allows the inferencer to be used directly as a text classifier by using the predict_text method.

l_inferencer = BowVAEInferencer(l_estimator, pre_vectorizer=tf_vectorizer)
predicted_labels, encodings, posteriors = l_inferencer.predict_text([:2])

Now, let’s create UMAP embeddings from the model encodings when applied to the test data Note here the use of use_probs=True and a higher target_entropy of 2.0. The target entropy rescales the topic proportions to avoid extremely skewed distributions This can be helpful when plotting embeddings and/or interpeting topic probabilities/proportions. Note that since the model was trained in a supervised manner, the embeddings show

#embeddings = l_inferencer.get_umap_embeddings(X_test, use_probs=True, target_entropy=2.5)
#l_inferencer.plot_to(embeddings, y_test, None)

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